Minimum requirements: Ubuntu 12 or higher gcc >= 4.6 build-essential Tested on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32/64bit and Ubuntu 21.01 64bit. Go to our website Download the correct package for the model HDPVR 2 device. If asked to open or save, select save. By default it should be saved to the Downloads folder. Navigate to your Downloads folder and extract the HDPVR2 tar.gz file by right clicking it and select Extract Here. Open Terminal window. The easiest way to open the Terminal is to use the 'search' function on the dash and type "terminal" or use the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + Alt + T You can also just right click inside the Download folder and select Open In Terminal. Make sure the system is up to date. $ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y Install build-essential $ sudo apt-get install build-essential Move to hauppauge folder in Downloads $ cd Downloads $ cd hauppauge_hdpvr2_ # the name of the entire path will be different. If you click the Tab key it should autocomplete it. Copy file 99-Hauppauge-PVR2.rules $ sudo cp 99-Hauppauge-PVR2.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ Build the application if you have a 32bit version of Linux type the following $ make cpu=i386 if you have a 64bit version of Linux type the following $ make The application should be built now. Connect the HD PVR 2 to the computer. To check if detected type the following $ lsusb It should show 'Hauppauge' on the list as a Bus Device. Move into the application folder. $ cd TestApp/build/ Run the following command to capture component and save to file. $ ./HDPVR2-testApp -c -f video.ts This will start capturing a file called video.ts to the build folder. To stop recording click Ctrl + C on your keyboard. ================================================= Test application command line usage: Usage: ./HDPVR2-testApp [-hcspb] [-a ] -f Arguments: -h - this help Mode: default: HDMI -c - component -s - composite Output: default: stdout -f - file -p - use named pipe instead only MPEG-2 transport stream is available now Other options: -a - enforce aspect ratio examples: '-a 1.33' or '-a 4/3' -b - increase audio input gain Note: Capture should be stopped by sending SIGINT (Ctrl-C from terminal).