Miscellaneous Software
Can I use the WinTV Scheduler with other WinTV products, or only with the WinTV PVR model?
The Scheduler program will only allow you to schedule recordings using the WinTV PVR hardware. You can use it with other WinTV models, however, with all other models it will only initialize the WinTV application at a certain time, not capture video.
Can I schedule captures of Multiple programs at the same time?
No, the WinTV can capture only from one source at a time, however, you can schedule several different programs for different times or dates.
Must I be logged on as an Administrator to use WinTV-Scheduler on Windows2000?
Yes, you must be logged on as an Administrator on Windows 2000, or the Scheduler program will not work.
"Couldn't initialize DLL" Error when attempting to run WinTV Scheduler:
You are not logged onto the system as an administrator. Logon as an administrator to correct the problem.
Under Windows2000, NT, Task Scheduler (Administrative Tools / Services) MUST be started, and the Start Up must be set to automatic.
"Could Not Create Program" Error when attempting to save program information in WinTV-Scheduler:
Be sure that the program is being given a unique name
Be sure that MSTASK is running. Scheduler requires this to be running to function properly.
If you are running Windows 2000/XP, be sure that you are logged on as administrator.
You must use valid characters when naming a program (File names cannot contain the following characters: ' \ / : * ? " < > |) and should not be excessively long.
Can the WinTV Scheduler make the WinTV program shut down after it finishes capturing?
No, the WinTV program must be shut down manually.
HCW Audio Recorder
"No WAV file was created" Error:
The latest HCW Audio Recorder software may correct this. There may be a slight delay when saving large .WAV files. The system is not locked up, only a delay during the save.
No .WAV file is found after capture, or the file is 0 bytes in size:
Check the soundcard's line input with Windows Soundrecorder to assure that the soundcard is able to capture and playback a .WAV file properly.
Runtime Error 48:
Be sure the WinTV is installed and functioning properly in the system. The soundcard drivers must be updated for the correct operating system.
When I click the folder button the program terminates with the message "Run-time error '76': Path not found."
When first running HCW Audio Recorder it asked where to save the files. Since that time, that folder no longer exists.
You can verify this by looking at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hauppauge\AudioRecorder\Settings\SavePath. The solution is to change the value to a path that exists.
How can I change the default directory where HCWrecorder saves its MP3 captures?
If you need to change the path for file saving this can be accomplished via Windows Registry in the following key\value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hauppauge\AudioRecorder\Settings\SavePath Be sure you specify a valid and complete path including a backslash at the end.
Example: C:\Program Files\HCW Recorder\
Detailed Instructions: - Click "Start" - Click "Run" - type "regedit" in the text box (without the quotes) - Navigate to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hauppauge\AudioRecorder\Settings - Locate the key "SavePath" and double click. - Enter a new path for saving files and click OK - Close regedit and restart WinTV Audio Recorder
Any problems with HCW Recorder:
Update your Soundcard's drivers from the manufacturer's website. Be sure to install the drivers for the correct operating system. If Windows Sound recorder doesn't record and play back the HCW Recorder will not either. Contact the soundcard manufacturer about getting WINDOWS sound recorder functioning.
Recorder cannot capture .wav files- results in 0 byte files with no sound, however windows soundrecorder works.
Soundrecorder uses 22.05 sample rate by default, where MP3 recorder uses 44.1 change the soundrecorder settings to 44.1 to verify if this also fails. If so, this indicates a soundcard issue with either the soundcard drivers, or proper MCI support at 44.1 sample rates within the soundcard software. Contact the soundcard manufacturer for an updated soundcard driver.
WinTV Zone
You must have MAPI compliant e-mail client for the e-mail service to work.
You must be able to capture AVI files properly with WinTV before Zone will work.
You Cannot change TV channels/Video sources within Zone. This must be preset in WinTV before exiting the WinTV program.
The video window must be visible on desktop for motion detection to function.
I have tried changing the video format (for example: to 15bit RGB 320 X 240) but it gives me an error:
Video format must remain at 24 bit RGB. If you are attempting to change the quality of the image or it's filesize then this can be accomplished via the Still Image tab -> quality (75 is the default).
How can I have still images sent via e-mail automatically to an email address?
Outlook should have an option for "send mail immediately". This would be exclusive to the options available within the E-mail software being used.
Run - time error '-2147417848 (80010108)'Automation error The object invoked has disconnected from its clients after running several minutes OR error when trying to send an email: Motion detector was unable to send e-mail.:
With most system configurations WinTV-Zone requires a MAPI compliant e-mail client with a persistent internet connection, such as cable modem, DSL. Another possibility is that your screen saver or power management is activating thus disrupting the image capturing.